Budget-Friendly Tips for Staging an Empty Home

Budget-Friendly Tips for Staging an Empty Home

Staging a home for viewing is one of the most effective ways to sell a home fast. According to the National Association of Realtors®’ 2019 Profile of Home Staging, 53% of sellers’ agents agreed that staging decreased the time a home spent on the market. The majority of sellers’ agents also reported an increase in dollar value for staged homes.
In addition, staging homes that are empty or unfurnished brings even more benefits. One of the key advantages of vacant home staging is not worrying about the tedious and time-consuming task of moving bulky furniture and appliances around.
However, there are also some challenges that come with staging an empty home. Prospective buyers will need to get a good sense of the home’s overall layout and the size and function of each room, which can be difficult to achieve when you’re working with an unfurnished home. Staging the home with the right furniture and accessories is essential, and it can be pretty expensive if you don’t have a strategy.
The good news is, there are many budget-friendly options that are available for staging an empty home. Here are a few helpful tips for you to keep in mind:

Choosing the right furniture rental stores

Staging on a budget will require you to be more strategic in choosing furniture rental stores and which rooms to stage. It’s a smart idea to focus on the master bedroom, dining room and living room, as these are three rooms prioritized by most buyers.
Keep in mind that there’s no need for you to find storage solutions or spend on transportation costs. This allows you to focus solely on staging the home properly. All you need to do is get in touch with companies offering rental packages for furniture, décor, and accessories needed to stage a home.
Using a minimalist approach can do wonders when it comes to vacant home staging, as there’s more space for you to work with, and using less pieces of furniture means more savings in your pocket. You don’t need to completely design each room – depending on its size, all it takes is one or two pieces of furniture in every room, so potential buyers will be able to imagine their own furniture within the space.

Staging with used furniture

While renting furniture and accessories to stage your home is a great option, it can be expensive especially if you’re on a budget. You can consider borrowing furniture from your family or friends, or use some of your own furniture in the meantime. In case you still do not have enough pieces to properly stage your home, you can look for bargain furniture in thrift shops, estate sales, garage sales, or online marketplaces. Just make sure the pieces of furniture you buy are made from high-quality materials and does not look too dated.

Bathroom and kitchen

Bathrooms and kitchens in a vacant house are the easiest rooms to stage, as they don’t require furniture. You can create the right mood in these spaces through the use of decorative accessories.
In addition to cleaning and decluttering, you can make use of elegant and simple touches in your kitchen by adding kitchen towels, oven mitts, mason jars filled with ingredients, or artificial fruit-filled baskets.
For bathrooms, you can create a welcoming vibe by placing clean, fluffy towels on the rack. Details like candle holders, succulents, or a stylish soap dish with a decorative soap can also help complete the look.

Enhance curb appeal

Homebuyers often drive around neighborhoods to look for homes for sale, and many of them will simply pass by your home if it’s lacking curb appeal. A home with great curb appeal tells potential buyers that the home is well-maintained and is visited often.
Vacant home staging also involves sprucing up the exterior areas by making sure the lawn is freshly mowed, all bushes and trees are trimmed, and the driveway looks neat and tidy. You can also consider giving exterior walls, the front door, or your garage door a new coat of paint, or buying new house numbers, a welcome mat, or other items that can make your home look more inviting.
In case you’re unable to maintain your home’s exteriors while it is vacant, you can look into getting property management or professional lawn service. This is a great way to make sure your curb appeal will be up to par with other homes within your neighborhood, even while you’re away.
For more tips on home staging in Los Angeles, get in touch with me today at (818) 444-7700, or send an email to [email protected].

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