Free Staging

Want to present the house you’re selling in the best possible light? Do you want to wow interested home buyers and real estate investors so much that they’re enticed to make an offer on your house? I can help.

Staging your home is a great way to showcase your property’s strengths and potential. We will dress up the rooms in a way where we are telling a story that appeals to all types of home buyers. By staging, you’re showing why your house is an ideal home in the San Fernando Valley.


What is Home Staging

Home staging is an optional and extra step in the selling process. You make adjustments here and there to prepare the house for sale and, at the same time, bring out the best in the property.

Remember: the house may already be beautiful in your eyes, but potential buyers might not see what you see. And so, the main goal in home staging is to make sure they see and understand why your house makes a great home.

Unconvinced? Continue reading to learn about the benefits of home staging.


The benefits of home staging

Tapping a professional home stager requires additional investment, but did you know that home staging can help you sell your home 73 percent faster than normal? That’s just one of the many benefits of home staging. Here are a couple of others that make it worth every penny:

  1. It makes the property stand out from other houses for sale
    A well-decorated home for sale captured nicely on photographs will easily grab the attention of home buyers browsing online listings for prospects. And when they like what they see, it can lead to appointments for viewings, thus increasing your chances to sell the house fast.
  2. Staging helps maximize the space
    When you’re selling a house, you want to showcase its space and potential. Home staging can help you with that, making the most out of every nook and cranny of your property, no matter the square footage.This can be especially beneficial if you’re selling a rather small home, an apartment, or a condominium as you’ll want to show every inch of the property can be utilized well and nicely without making it feel tight and cramped.
  3. It can lead to better offers on your property
    According to the National Association of REALTORS®, staging your home can invite potential buyers to make higher offers. In their 2019 Profile of Home Staging, some realtors reported that home staging increase a buyer’s perceived value of a home by up to 5 percent, hence the higher offer. Others even went on to state that staging increased the dollar value of a home by up to 10 percent.

Try home staging without the additional investment

When you choose to sell your home with me, you can see for yourself the benefits of home staging without spending a single cent.

If you are selling a house worth $2 million and over, you can avail home staging services absolutely free of charge.

  1. Home staging consultation
    First, we’ll visit your house and do a walkthrough of it to take note of its highlights and low points. From there, we’ll outline the things we need to do to stage your home. It can range from deep-cleaning the property to painting the walls and interior redesign. I’ll give you a list of recommendations. It’s you who will ultimately decide how we’ll stage your house.
  2. Prepping the home
    Your house will become a blank canvas ready for staging. We’ll call in professional cleaners to make sure the entire home is spick-and-span. Measurements will be taken so we can order the right furniture and decor and maximize every space. Repairs discussed and agreed upon during the consultation will also be done.You have the option to join us in de-personalizing and decluttering your home, or you can just rest easy and leave the work to us. Once all the prep work is done, we move to the actual staging and presentation.
  3. Staging and presentation
    This is the most exciting part. We’ll arrange the furniture so foot traffic moves seamlessly. We’ll decorate each room with function and purpose so home buyers can easily envision themselves using the spaces. When we’re done, we’ll do a final walkthrough and then take photos for your listing.

Learn Everything You Need to Know About Home Staging

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